A new magnetic engine for 400 km/h trains developed in China

A new magnetic engine for 400 km/h trains developed in China

A new permanent magnetic attraction engine was developed in China for rail transportation.
According to the press release of the official press agency Xinhua, this new motor will make speeds up to 400 km/h possible.

It is called TQ-800 and will be integrated into an international project for interconnected high-speed trains.
The new engine would be able to solve various problems related to the reliability of the magnetic system, especially regarding the loss of magnetism.

The engine has a new directional cooling system, which is characterised by low maintenance costs.
In this moment the fastest trains are the Fuxings in China, which are called “bullet trains” and can overtake 350 km/h. They were launched during a Beijing-Shanghai route in September 2017.


(Source: Notiziescientifiche.it)